10000 pictures found (8892 additional pictures not displayed)
The Moon behind the Siena's cathedral at night, Tuscany, Italy
© Alberto Ghizzi Panizza / Biosphoto
© Alberto Ghizzi Panizza / Biosphoto
The Moon behind the Siena's cathedral at night, Tuscany, Italy
Pied Wagtail (Motacilla alba), standing on a sign of protest for the airport of Notre dame des landes
© Marc Tisseau / Biosphoto
© Marc Tisseau / Biosphoto
Pied Wagtail (Motacilla alba), standing on a sign of protest for the airport of Notre dame des landes
Barn Owl (Tyto alba) on a column and statue at night, France
© Frank Deschandol & Philippe Sabine / Biosphoto
© Frank Deschandol & Philippe Sabine / Biosphoto
Barn Owl (Tyto alba) on a column and statue at night, France
Stinger Jellyfish on white background inspiration Gyotaku ; It is inspired by the Gyotaku, a traditional Japanese method of fish printing, dating
© Sergi Garcia Fernandez / Biosphoto
© Sergi Garcia Fernandez / Biosphoto
Stinger Jellyfish on white background inspiration Gyotaku ; It is inspired by the Gyotaku, a traditional Japanese method of fish printing, dating from the mid-1800s it was used by fishermen to record their catches, but has also become an art form in itself. I tried to apply it in photography. I think it's a great relationship between underwater photography, sea, art and history of the fishermen.
Seahorse on white background inspiration Gyotaku ; It is inspired
© Sergi Garcia Fernandez / Biosphoto
© Sergi Garcia Fernandez / Biosphoto
Seahorse on white background inspiration Gyotaku ; It is inspired by the Gyotaku, a traditional Japanese method of fish printing, dating from the mid-1800s it was used by fishermen to record their catches, but has also become an art form in itself. I tried to apply it in photography. I think it's a great relationship between underwater photography, sea, art and history of the fishermen.
Sea Horse on white background inspiration Gyotaku ; It is
© Sergi Garcia Fernandez / Biosphoto
© Sergi Garcia Fernandez / Biosphoto
Sea Horse on white background inspiration Gyotaku ; It is inspired in GYOTAKU. This is traditional method of Japanese fish printing, dating from the mid-1800s. It was used by fishermen to record their catches, but has also become an art form on its own. I've tried to apply it in photography. I think It’s a beautiful relation about underwater photo, the sea, art and fisherman history.
Roundleaf Bat flying in the Khao Chong Pran cave Thailand ; The Center for Fine Art Photography
Animalia Exhibition 2010
Cave of the Buddhist
© Tanguy Stoecklé / Biosphoto
© Tanguy Stoecklé / Biosphoto
Roundleaf Bat flying in the Khao Chong Pran cave Thailand ; The Center for Fine Art Photography
Animalia Exhibition 2010
Cave of the Buddhist temple of Khao Chong Phran
Province of Ratchaburi
After a decline due to an unrestrained hunting, the millions of Bats which occupies this cave are protected by the law and guards and monks take care that neither disturb or capture any more these flying Mammals. The big troop which flies away at the end of the day will capture 30 to 40 tons of insects in only one night! The monks ensure the exploitation and the sale of the invaluable guano collected in the cave. As for the frugivorous Flying foxes, they pollinate precious fruit trees.
© Jean Cassou / Biosphoto
Portrait of a small Blenny emerging from coral Caribbean
Thylacine (Thylacinus cynocephalus), illustration originale de Helmut Diller parue dans l'ouvrage "The last survivors"
© Helmut Diller / WWF / Biosphoto
© Helmut Diller / WWF / Biosphoto
Thylacine (Thylacinus cynocephalus), illustration originale de Helmut Diller parue dans l'ouvrage "The last survivors"
Silhouette of a praying mantis, educational trail, Miotte hill,
© Denis Bringard / Biosphoto
© Denis Bringard / Biosphoto
Silhouette of a praying mantis, educational trail, Miotte hill, Belfort, Territoire de Belfort, France
Cricket silhouette, educational trail, Miotte hill, Belfort,
© Denis Bringard / Biosphoto
© Denis Bringard / Biosphoto
Cricket silhouette, educational trail, Miotte hill, Belfort, Territoire de Belfort, France
Butterfly silhouette, educational trail, Miotte hill, Belfort,
© Denis Bringard / Biosphoto
© Denis Bringard / Biosphoto
Butterfly silhouette, educational trail, Miotte hill, Belfort, Territoire de Belfort, France
© Denis Bringard / Biosphoto
Emile Lechten park, Belfort, Territoire de Belfort, France
Beech, maple, bust of the poet Léon Deubel, born in Belfort in 1879, Emile Lechten park, Belfort, Territoire de Belfort, France
© Denis Bringard / Biosphoto
© Denis Bringard / Biosphoto
Beech, maple, bust of the poet Léon Deubel, born in Belfort in 1879, Emile Lechten park, Belfort, Territoire de Belfort, France
Gordes, one of France's most beautiful villages, in the Luberon.
© Jean-Philippe Delobelle / Biosphoto
© Jean-Philippe Delobelle / Biosphoto
Gordes, one of France's most beautiful villages, in the Luberon. Gordes is located in the center of the Vaucluse department, on the southern flank of the Monts de Vaucluse, overlooking the Calavon valley from a rocky outcrop and facing the Luberon mountains. France
Gordes, one of France's most beautiful villages, in the Luberon. Gordes is located in the center of the Vaucluse department, on the southern flank of
© Jean-Philippe Delobelle / Biosphoto
© Jean-Philippe Delobelle / Biosphoto
Gordes, one of France's most beautiful villages, in the Luberon. Gordes is located in the center of the Vaucluse department, on the southern flank of the Monts de Vaucluse, overlooking the Calavon valley from a rocky outcrop and facing the Luberon mountains. France
Rochers couverts de lichens (Ramalina siliquosa) et phare en
© Jean-Philippe Delobelle / Biosphoto
© Jean-Philippe Delobelle / Biosphoto
Rochers couverts de lichens (Ramalina siliquosa) et phare en Galice. Ramalina siliquosa est un lichen caractéristique des côtes rocheuses humides - Le phare de Punta Nariga est érigé à l'extrémité d'un promontoire exposé aux pluies abondantes de l’océan atlantique - Province de La Corogne - Galice - Espagne
Totem Gitga't, Hartley Bay, Gribbell Island, British Columbia,
© Fabrice Simon / Biosphoto
© Fabrice Simon / Biosphoto
Totem Gitga't, Hartley Bay, Gribbell Island, British Columbia, Canada
Geoglyph on the Poey mountain in Accous. Theme: the juggler with
© Georges Lopez / Biosphoto
© Georges Lopez / Biosphoto
Geoglyph on the Poey mountain in Accous. Theme: the juggler with 5 balls (love-goodness-truth-justice-wisdom). Thierry Fresneau has been behind this project for 15 years, and every year a new motif appears in the ferns. Vallée d'Aspe, Pyrénées Atlantiques, France
Geoglyph on the Poey mountain in Accous. Theme: the juggler with 5 balls (love-goodness-truth-justice-wisdom). Thierry Fresneau has been behind this
© Georges Lopez / Biosphoto
© Georges Lopez / Biosphoto
Geoglyph on the Poey mountain in Accous. Theme: the juggler with 5 balls (love-goodness-truth-justice-wisdom). Thierry Fresneau has been behind this project for 15 years, and every year a new motif appears in the ferns. Vallée d'Aspe, Pyrénées Atlantiques, France
The Genoese tower of Scalo, built in the early 16th century on the small hill overlooking the shore, the Genoese tower of Scalo stands 42 m above sea
© Hyacinthe Sambroni / Biosphoto
© Hyacinthe Sambroni / Biosphoto
The Genoese tower of Scalo, built in the early 16th century on the small hill overlooking the shore, the Genoese tower of Scalo stands 42 m above sea level. It was one of the first towers built by the Genoese below the village of Pino, Cap Corse, Corsica, France.
La tour génoise de Scalo, construite au début de XVIe siècle sur la petite colline surplombant le rivage, la tour génoise de Scalo est située à 42 m
© Hyacinthe Sambroni / Biosphoto
© Hyacinthe Sambroni / Biosphoto
La tour génoise de Scalo, construite au début de XVIe siècle sur la petite colline surplombant le rivage, la tour génoise de Scalo est située à 42 m d'altitude. C'est l'une des premières tours édifiées par les génois, Cap Corse, Corse, France
La Tour génoise de Meria , du nom du petit village situé à 2 km à l’intérieur des terres, vue de l'intérieur de la tour. Tour génoise ronde érigée au
© Hyacinthe Sambroni / Biosphoto
© Hyacinthe Sambroni / Biosphoto
La Tour génoise de Meria , du nom du petit village situé à 2 km à l’intérieur des terres, vue de l'intérieur de la tour. Tour génoise ronde érigée au XVIe siècle, elle veille encore sur la Marine, Cap Corse, Corse, France
The Genoese Tower of Meria, named after the small village 2 km inland. A round Genoese tower built in the 16th century, it still keeps watch over
© Hyacinthe Sambroni / Biosphoto
© Hyacinthe Sambroni / Biosphoto
The Genoese Tower of Meria, named after the small village 2 km inland. A round Genoese tower built in the 16th century, it still keeps watch over the Marine, Cap Corse, Corsica, France
La Tour Carrée de la Paganosa à près de 600 m d'altitude sur un socle rocheux, dans sa forme actuelle, cette tour carrée de trois étages a pu être
© Hyacinthe Sambroni / Biosphoto
© Hyacinthe Sambroni / Biosphoto
La Tour Carrée de la Paganosa à près de 600 m d'altitude sur un socle rocheux, dans sa forme actuelle, cette tour carrée de trois étages a pu être élevée au début du XVII siècle, Castifao
La Tour Genoise d'Erbalunga, built in 1530, stands at the end of the rock tongue that marks the entrance to the small fishing port, Port D'Erbalunga,
© Hyacinthe Sambroni / Biosphoto
© Hyacinthe Sambroni / Biosphoto
La Tour Genoise d'Erbalunga, built in 1530, stands at the end of the rock tongue that marks the entrance to the small fishing port, Port D'Erbalunga, Cap Corse, Corsica, France.
The Tour D'agnello, a Genoese tower on the tip of Cap Corse in the commune of Rogliano, was built at the end of the 16th century as part of a series
© Hyacinthe Sambroni / Biosphoto
© Hyacinthe Sambroni / Biosphoto
The Tour D'agnello, a Genoese tower on the tip of Cap Corse in the commune of Rogliano, was built at the end of the 16th century as part of a series of coastal defenses built by the Republic of Genoa between 1530 and 1620 to stem attacks by Barbary pirates. Cap Corse, Corsica, France
La Tour génoise Santa Maria de La Chiappella, tour circulaire érigée sur une avancée rocheuse en 1549, elle a Subi les assauts de la Flotte Anglaise
© Hyacinthe Sambroni / Biosphoto
© Hyacinthe Sambroni / Biosphoto
La Tour génoise Santa Maria de La Chiappella, tour circulaire érigée sur une avancée rocheuse en 1549, elle a Subi les assauts de la Flotte Anglaise en 1793, commandée par le contre-Amiral Nelson, Cap Corse, Corse, Fra,ce
Tour Genoise D'Ampuglia, the Tour D'ampuglia on the Pietra Corbara marina under reconstruction, once a sentinel among the 32 others
© Hyacinthe Sambroni / Biosphoto
© Hyacinthe Sambroni / Biosphoto
Tour Genoise D'Ampuglia, the Tour D'ampuglia on the Pietra Corbara marina under reconstruction, once a sentinel among the 32 others guarding Cap Corse, Corsica, France
The Tour de l'Osse is one of the most easily visible Genoese towers in Corsica, and is impossible to miss. It stands overlooking the Route du
© Hyacinthe Sambroni / Biosphoto
© Hyacinthe Sambroni / Biosphoto
The Tour de l'Osse is one of the most easily visible Genoese towers in Corsica, and is impossible to miss. It stands overlooking the Route du Cap Corse in Cagnano, Corsica, France.
La Tour Genoise d'Erbalunga, built in 1530, stands at the end of the rock tongue that marks the entrance to the small fishing port, Port D'Erbalunga,
© Hyacinthe Sambroni / Biosphoto
© Hyacinthe Sambroni / Biosphoto
La Tour Genoise d'Erbalunga, built in 1530, stands at the end of the rock tongue that marks the entrance to the small fishing port, Port D'Erbalunga, Cap Corse, Corsica, France.
La Tour Genoise d'Erbalunga, built in 1530, stands at the end of the rock tongue that marks the entrance to the small fishing port, Port D'Erbalunga,
© Hyacinthe Sambroni / Biosphoto
© Hyacinthe Sambroni / Biosphoto
La Tour Genoise d'Erbalunga, built in 1530, stands at the end of the rock tongue that marks the entrance to the small fishing port, Port D'Erbalunga, Cap Corse, Corsica, France.
The Tour Paolina or Tour carée was built in 1760 on the orders of Pascal Paoli, and stands 160 m above the sea, Nonza, Corsica.
© Hyacinthe Sambroni / Biosphoto
© Hyacinthe Sambroni / Biosphoto
The Tour Paolina or Tour carée was built in 1760 on the orders of Pascal Paoli, and stands 160 m above the sea, Nonza, Corsica.
The Chapelle San Micheli or Saint Michel is a chapel that grew out of an 11th-century Christian monument built by Tuscan masters in 1030, and
© Hyacinthe Sambroni / Biosphoto
© Hyacinthe Sambroni / Biosphoto
The Chapelle San Micheli or Saint Michel is a chapel that grew out of an 11th-century Christian monument built by Tuscan masters in 1030, and is the object of a pilgrimage on September 29, the only day when its interior can be admired. hamlet of Munacaghja, Sisco, Corsica, France
The Comte de Vaux Fort on the heights of the Col de Vizzavona. The Comte de Vaux was appointed commander of the French army in Corsica after the
© Hyacinthe Sambroni / Biosphoto
© Hyacinthe Sambroni / Biosphoto
The Comte de Vaux Fort on the heights of the Col de Vizzavona. The Comte de Vaux was appointed commander of the French army in Corsica after the signing of the Treaty of Versailles in 1768, and the Fort de Vaux was built in 1772 atop an 800 m-high rocky outcrop to control the Passage between the north and south of the island. Vivario, Corsica
Church of San Michele de Murato, dating from the mid-15th century, probably around 1140, it was consecrated around 1280. It was built when Corsica
© Hyacinthe Sambroni / Biosphoto
© Hyacinthe Sambroni / Biosphoto
Church of San Michele de Murato, dating from the mid-15th century, probably around 1140, it was consecrated around 1280. It was built when Corsica was under the imperium of Pisa. Corsica, France
The Citadelle of Saint Florent was built in the 15th century, after the city was founded in 1440, and has continued to evolve ever since.
© Hyacinthe Sambroni / Biosphoto
© Hyacinthe Sambroni / Biosphoto
The Citadelle of Saint Florent was built in the 15th century, after the city was founded in 1440, and has continued to evolve ever since. Corsica, France
The Citadelle of Saint Florent was built in the 15th century, after the city was founded in 1440, and has continued to evolve ever since. Corsica,
© Hyacinthe Sambroni / Biosphoto
© Hyacinthe Sambroni / Biosphoto
The Citadelle of Saint Florent was built in the 15th century, after the city was founded in 1440, and has continued to evolve ever since. Corsica, France
The Citadelle of Bastia at sunrise with the sun beginning to cover the town with its golden rays, Corsica, France
© Hyacinthe Sambroni / Biosphoto
© Hyacinthe Sambroni / Biosphoto
The Citadelle of Bastia at sunrise with the sun beginning to cover the town with its golden rays, Corsica, France
Château de Pierre Napoléon Bonaparte, built between 1852 and 1854, it was the residence of Pierre Napoléon until 1870, when he became Napoléon
© Hyacinthe Sambroni / Biosphoto
© Hyacinthe Sambroni / Biosphoto
Château de Pierre Napoléon Bonaparte, built between 1852 and 1854, it was the residence of Pierre Napoléon until 1870, when he became Napoléon Bonaparte's nephew. Calenzana Corsica, France
Château de Pierre Napoléon Bonaparte, built between 1852 and 1854, it was the residence of Pierre Napoléon until 1870, the nephew of Napoléon
© Hyacinthe Sambroni / Biosphoto
© Hyacinthe Sambroni / Biosphoto
Château de Pierre Napoléon Bonaparte, built between 1852 and 1854, it was the residence of Pierre Napoléon until 1870, the nephew of Napoléon Bonaparte. Ici les Dépendances, Calenzana, Corsica, France
Château de Pierre Napoléon Bonaparte, built between 1852 and 1854, it was the residence of Pierre Napoléon until 1870, when he became Napoléon
© Hyacinthe Sambroni / Biosphoto
© Hyacinthe Sambroni / Biosphoto
Château de Pierre Napoléon Bonaparte, built between 1852 and 1854, it was the residence of Pierre Napoléon until 1870, when he became Napoléon Bonaparte's nephew. Calenzana Corsica, France
Remains of the Castello di Supietra on Monte Supietra overlooking the hamlet of Caporalino. The Supietra fortification was built in the 13th century
© Hyacinthe Sambroni / Biosphoto
© Hyacinthe Sambroni / Biosphoto
Remains of the Castello di Supietra on Monte Supietra overlooking the hamlet of Caporalino. The Supietra fortification was built in the 13th century by Amondino to defend a difficult and dangerous passage between Bastia and Corte. Corsica, France
Storks resting on a cable-stayed bridge during their autumn migration. The White Stork (Ciconia ciconia) is a large species of wading bird in the
© Jean-Philippe Delobelle / Biosphoto
© Jean-Philippe Delobelle / Biosphoto
Storks resting on a cable-stayed bridge during their autumn migration. The White Stork (Ciconia ciconia) is a large species of wading bird in the Ciconiidae family, closely linked to human construction and activities. France
Base and Museum Port Lockroy, former called Station A, on Wiencke Island.
© Martin Zwick / Biosphoto
© Martin Zwick / Biosphoto
Base and Museum Port Lockroy, former called Station A, on Wiencke Island. Antarctica, West Antarctica, antarctic Peninsula
Base and Museum Port Lockroy, former called Station A, on Wiencke Island. Antarctica, West Antarctica, antarctic Peninsula
© Martin Zwick / Biosphoto
© Martin Zwick / Biosphoto
Base and Museum Port Lockroy, former called Station A, on Wiencke Island. Antarctica, West Antarctica, antarctic Peninsula
The japanese garden of Monte Palace. Funchal. Madeira island.
© Antoine Lorgnier / Biosphoto
© Antoine Lorgnier / Biosphoto
The japanese garden of Monte Palace. Funchal. Madeira island. Portugal.
Woman in the japanese garden of Monte Palace. Funchal. Madeira island. Portugal.
© Antoine Lorgnier / Biosphoto
© Antoine Lorgnier / Biosphoto
Woman in the japanese garden of Monte Palace. Funchal. Madeira island. Portugal.