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Valter Bernardeschi

Valter Bernardeschi

I was born in Pontedera (Pisa) Italy in 1958. Start taking photographs in 1980. First, of the beautiful Tuscan landscape, and then of the animals living in the wilderness around my house. Then I started traveling, which enabled me to take pictures of animals in some of the most important and beautiful areas of the world.

I have always been driven by a great passion for the arts, from which is my vision of Nature so painting. With my shots, I try to convey emotions, revealing and surprising. The animals, enclosed in the viewfinder of my camera, appear as actors in a story as old as the univers , but one that I try each time to reinvent with fantasy.

I have published articles in Italian magazines. I co-authored the book TUSCANY’s ANIMALS and he authored the book " ISLANDS : When nature becomes art," ... a trip in the major islands of the Tuscan Archipelago . I collaborate with the Regional Park Migliarino–San Rossore in Italy.

I won many important Italian and international photographic competitions and had major awards. In 2013, my photography “sokeye catch” has been awarded at the Wildlife Photographer of the Year. In 2013 I had a major exhibition in Izmir (Turkey)

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