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Olivier Miniato

Olivier Miniato

I was born in 1969 and my mother was a laboratory technician. That’s the reason why I’ve been around photo labs since my early childhood. As I grew up I dabbled shooting travels, then show, every kind of objects and architecture but over time I became what I would call an animal portraitist. I am a naturalistic contemplative and a macrophotography specialist, I’m amazed with the wonder that a lot of people are crushing on without even noticing it, this world that we are all trampling on every day without taking account is full of innumerable resources. This micro world I decided to magnify through photography. With a passion for it and to capture those moments of fleeting poetry offered by nature, I spend most of my time flat on my belly observing, waiting for capturing my micro models. The naturalistic photographer role is to reveal the unknown beauties that inhabit our planet, to show their weakness, to as many people as possible. The photographer is the direct witness of the state of the present world, he is both the revealer and the fixer. I’ve always been fond of photography and that’s a passion I love to share.

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