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Xavier Delorme

Xavier Delorme

I’ve been passionate with storms since I am a child. I admired summer storms on the Great Plains of the Beauce after a warm day. I did my first shots with a small argentic reflex camera that was more than 15 years! I have to say that my first attempts were not completely what I myself had wished for. But after trying and working again, and with any luck, I achieved my first pictures early morning on the 21st of May 2004, it was a few different thunderbolts. My “thunder hunt” was beginning…

Since, I put my argentic aside but I keep it as a sentimental memory. It was replaced with digital reflex camera in 2006, a Nikon D50. The latter has itself been replaced with other professional devices and lenses. With this kind of equipment, shooting is a sight to behold. Having a car is real advantage then. The trips are longer and longer, about 10km first and sometimes more than 1000km now.

After many sleepless nights and big rides all around Region Centre and Champagne Remoise, I am now trying to find new landscapes in France, or further…

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