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Rémi Masson

Rémi Masson

I was born in 1983 in Annecy, in the middle of the French Alpes and I have a deep commitment to my native region where the huge Alpine Lakes, liquid jewels with turquoise water, are surrounded by snow-capped mountaintop.

When I was a kid, I was dreaming of being an adventurer running through the virgin forests or ‘Terra incognita’ and I still have this particular taste for mystery places such as groundwater, river oxbow lakes, the incised canyon of torrents or the small lost lakes into the mountains.

That’s why all year long I’m diving under fresh water, in small ponds or huge lakes so I can discover every single hidden wonder and strange or weak creatures, which are living there. Surprises aren’t rare as you can see groups of freshwater pearl mussels or dozens of Silurus together weighting more than a thousand kilograms in the turbid waters of the Rhone (phenomenon explaining in scientific publication in 2011 thanks to the CNRS).

By choice, I am always free diving.

As I want to let the wonderful freshwater world being discovered by everybody, I often published some articles in naturalistic and diving magazines and I share this passion with the public through a lot of photo exhibitions and some lectures.

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