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Christophe Suarez

Christophe Suarez

Christophe Suarez was born in 1965 and is living in Upper Savoy.

I used to work as a programmer within a humanitarian organization for 15 years but then became an independent photographer in 2007.

Passionate with photography and by the four elements since my earliest childhood, the birth of digital photography let me realize my craziest dream: combine sky and fire for me to be the witness of a climate-change damaged nature. Nature can be tamed if you’re humble and only disclose to the wise and perseverant men. If a few pictures are little challenges, they are also the ones leaving a lasting impression of an intimate communion with the elements. And so a particular passion for thunder, tormented skies and elements was born…

I’ve got a few projects now, such as shooting volcanoes, aurora borealis, tornados, and flying with an ULM to reach for the sky or to publish a book on the tormented nature.

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