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Duncan MacArthur

Duncan MacArthur

Born on a Thursday in February 1963.

From the 80s and for more than 20 years i specialized in promotional photography for travel and tourism. This freelance contract work helped me develop my photography techniques, sometimes in tricky indoor situations, and sharpened my eye for the informative image. From Istanbul to Courchevel, from Egypt to Kerala, from the Greek isles to Venice, i photographed everything that makes you want to go on holiday...

One day I put my bags down and settled in the French Hautes-Alpes where I set up as a nature photographer. In 2000 I started my editing business, Clin d’Oeil, with my first series of nature post cards of the Queyras, to be followed by many more, then my book « Lumières sur le Queyras » and now nature calendars too.

I started The Gallery in 2007, my exhibition of nature photography for home decoration, and have been selling my landscape photography in large format ever since. I do my own developing, lab work and dibond mounting, a service that i offer to other photographers as well. For several years now i have been teaching the techniques of landscape photography, running several workshops in the Queyras and in Scotland each year.

My passion for nature and beautiful photography keeps me searching for that rare light and that special composition, an approach to my photography that i also like to share.

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