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Claude Balcaen

Claude Balcaen

Nice trip.

My passion for animal photography appeared while I was walking in the forest.

My first experiment occurred in September 1975 as we were walking in the forest when we saw a few hinds.

I had a 50mm lens at the time and managed to shoot some photographs, those were my first ones.

You can’t imagine how disappointed I was when I got my pictures and the hinds were just two points in the background.

I was about to be fond of photography.

I got interested in garden birds, easier to shoot when you don’t have a lot of time.

Then I travelled to others continents. Tanzania was my first stop, I discovered the Serengeti region with herds of wildebeests, zebras, antelopes, and of predators that are surrounding them, such as lions, cheetahs, and leopards.

Next stop was the Galapagos Islands which must be one of the unmissable stop for animal photography.

Afterwards I went to India to shoot the Bengal tiger, one of the most beautiful mammal on earth.

I travelled elsewhere too but I still love to stop and stare at the chickadee going back and forth, or to wait for foxes around my home.

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