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Pierluigi Rizzato

Pierluigi Rizzato

Pierluigi Rizzato has been a photographer for over thirty five years, dedicating great passion and commitment to his work in nature photography. His images rely on a profound understanding of the characteristics of his subjects, which he has acquired through study and research, and patient observation on the field.

He travelled in many countries, Alaska, Kamchatka, China, India, Indonesia, Europe and mainly Africa (more than 70 trips), where he visited most of the national parks. He is very fond of the Serengeti, in northern Tanzania, where he drove personally a 4WD car for 48 times in thirty years.

His photographs have earned him more than 600 awards abroad, winning photographic contests in 57 countries in the world. Among all, it is standing out the Grand Prix of the Trierenberg Austrian Super Circuit in 2005, the largest annual salon of photography on the globe, more than 50.000 competing images by photographers coming from over 100 countries.

He gained 48 awards in the most important world nature contests (requiring the submission of the Raw file) : Gdt, Glanzlichter, Nature Best’s Magazine, Asferico, Oasis, Montier en der, Melvita, Golden Turtle, Memorial Maria Luisa, Nature’s Best Africa, etc.

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