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Emile Séchaud

Emile Séchaud

Because I grew up in the Upper Savoy countryside, I have always been interested in the wildlife that surrounded me… Hence when I discovered photography in 2011 at the age of 15, I naturally chose nature as a source of inspiration and favorite subject.

Since then, my camera and my lenses are almost all the time by my side, whether I go on a hike in the mountains or discover faraway places.

I understand nature as a whole that we must know how to glorify, and I try my best to present the subject with its environment in order to show this unity. We tend to often forget that it is a fragile balance where all the elements, all the species are linked. For this same reason the subjects I capture with on my sensor can be fox cubs in their den as well as a small dandelion in the field next door, and including spectacular alpine landscapes… Basically a bit of everything!

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