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Matthijs Kuijpers

Matthijs Kuijpers

Born in the Netherlands in 1973, it was very clear from a young age that Matthijs Kuijpers was crazy about animals.

He kept his first guinea pig and fish at age 3 but soon fell in love with reptiles. Matthijs itched to see the animals in those beautiful encyclopedias in the wild.

His passion was so big that he left France as soon as he turned 18 to leave for Madagascar and has been traveling the world ever since to find and photograph the craziest, most colorful,best camouflaged and most dangerous reptiles around the world.

Matthijs has been al over the world. From the deserts of Namibia, the rain forests of Papua New Guinea, the islands of the giant lizards of Komodo to the tiny inhabited islands of Cabo Verde.

His photos are recognizable and capture the essential of the animals he portrays.

His photos have been published in National Geographic, GEO, PHOTO, Terre Sauvage, books, websites, tv shows and magazines worldwide.

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