I was born in the North of France in 1975 and I am now living in Anjou where I work as a pathologist, parasitology-mycology specialist. Natural sciences have attracted me as a kid but macro lenses have beneficially replaced my bugs and butterflies collection when I rediscovered photography in 2006, as digital photography became a huge thing. I also met a few people that made my passion growing.
I really wanted to share my pictures and that’s why I progressively took part into contests, then I exhibited them and collaborated with photo agencies. I am an author and photographer since 2012 and love to explore a lot of different photographical fields, such as hyper-macro shots or studio and OB environment. I really like to travel but a huge part of my pictures are shot a few miles away from where I live, that’s why I joined the Photographical Collective ‘Meet Your Neighbours’ in 2014.
Photography first allows me to capture biodiversity that constantly seems to tail off. But it’s not a pure documentary and it can provide the enjoyment to transcript some of the magical moments lived within Mother Nature intimacy. Photographers have to observe without disturbing (or as little as possible) and have to try to capture the light, the emotions, or just the tiny world beneath us, bringing it back to a human scale… It’s not art, it’s not science, it’s a subtle combination with hard challenges to take-up.
Jumping spider female on a bar code - France Jumping spider female on a bar code - France © Marc Pihet / Biosphoto - RMNon exclusive sale 2027369 |
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Jumping Spider female on metallic bottle - FranceJumping Spider female on metallic bottle - France© Marc Pihet / Biosphoto - RMNon exclusive sale 2027368 |
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Jumping Spider female on flower - FranceJumping Spider female on flower - France ; on flowersupport© Marc Pihet / Biosphoto - RMNon exclusive sale 2027365 |
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Jumping Spider female on flower - FranceJumping Spider female on flower - France ; on flowersupport© Marc Pihet / Biosphoto - RMNon exclusive sale 2027361 |
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Jumping Spider female on flower - FranceJumping Spider female on flower - France ; on flowersupport© Marc Pihet / Biosphoto - RMNon exclusive sale 2027358 |
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Jumping Spider female on flower - FranceJumping Spider female on flower - France ; on flowersupport© Marc Pihet / Biosphoto - RMNon exclusive sale 2027356 |
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Jumping Spider female on flower - FranceJumping Spider female on flower - France ; on flowersupport© Marc Pihet / Biosphoto - RMNon exclusive sale 2027355 |
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Jumping Spider female on flower - FranceJumping Spider female on flower - France ; on flowersupport© Marc Pihet / Biosphoto - RMNon exclusive sale 2027354 |
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Jumping Spider male on flower - FranceJumping Spider male on flower - France© Marc Pihet / Biosphoto - RMNon exclusive sale 2027341 |
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Jumping Spider male in a flower - FranceJumping Spider male in a flower - France ; on flowersupports© Marc Pihet / Biosphoto - RMNon exclusive sale 2027327 |
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