Male King Eider bathing NorwayMale King Eider bathing Norway© Niko Pekonen / Biosphoto - RM 1852313 |
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Female Goldeneye swimming in autumn GBFemale Goldeneye swimming in autumn GB© Frédéric Desmette / Biosphoto - RMNon exclusive sale Sale prohibited by some Agents 1846821 |
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Greater scaup running on water to fly Greater scaup running on water to fly ; Festival « Festimages-Nature » 2010 Grand Prix du Jury© Claude Balcaen / Biosphoto - RM 913572 |
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Mandarin Duck male on the water - Midlands UKMandarin Duck male on the water - Midlands UK© Mike Lane / Biosphoto - RMSale prohibited by some Agents 1991326 |
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Mallards on the surface - New ZealandMallards on the surface - New Zealand© Tobias Bernhard Raff / Biosphoto - RMNon exclusive sale Sale prohibited by some Agents 1988321 |
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Female Mallard swimming, summer - GBFemale Mallard swimming, summer - GB© Frédéric Desmette / Biosphoto - RMNon exclusive sale Sale prohibited by some Agents 1934407 |
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Northern pintails upending Arizona USANorthern pintails upending Arizona USA© Mike Lane / Biosphoto - RMSale prohibited by some Agents 1419229 |
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Tufted Duck (Aythya fuligula) males on water, Pays de Loire, FranceTufted Duck (Aythya fuligula) males on water, Pays de Loire, France© Michel Rauch / Biosphoto - RM 2394465 |
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Male Shoveler in flight in winter - GBMale Shoveler in flight in winter - GB© Frédéric Desmette / Biosphoto - RMNon exclusive sale Sale prohibited by some Agents 1984999 |
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Baikal Teal (Anas formosa) male on water, Pays de Loire, FranceBaikal Teal (Anas formosa) male on water, Pays de Loire, France© Michel Rauch / Biosphoto - RM 2325594 |
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Male Brazilian Teal on waterMale Brazilian Teal on water© Thierry Van Baelinghem / Biosphoto - RM 154386 |
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Portrait of Comb Duck (Sarkidiornis melanotos) male, kruger, South AfricaPortrait of Comb Duck (Sarkidiornis melanotos) male, kruger, South Africa© Jean Mayet / Biosphoto - RM 2158768 |
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Patagonian crested duck on sandy beach - Falkland Islands Patagonian crested duck on sandy beach - Falkland Islands © Alain Mafart-Renodier / Biosphoto - RMNon exclusive sale 2013573 |
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Marbled Ducks on water - Brazo del Este SpainMarbled Ducks on water - Brazo del Este Spain© Óscar Díez Martínez / Biosphoto - RMNon exclusive sale 2046968 |
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Ringed Teal (Callonetta leucophrys)Ringed Teal (Callonetta leucophrys)© Michael Weber / imageBROKER / Biosphoto - RMNon exclusive sale Sale prohibited by Agents 1171462 |
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Salvadori's teal swimming UKSalvadori's teal swimming UK© Frédéric Desmette / Biosphoto - RMNon exclusive sale Sale prohibited by some Agents 821076 |
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Northern Pintail male in flight FranceNorthern Pintail male in flight France© Thierry Vezon / Biosphoto - RM 1470192 |
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Northern Shoveler female on water Marais Breton FranceNorthern Shoveler female on water Marais Breton France© Serge Deboffle / Biosphoto - RM 1714056 |
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Wild ducks in a water hole on a frozen pond - FranceWild ducks in a water hole on a frozen pond - France© Claudius Thiriet / Biosphoto - RMNon exclusive sale 2035202 |
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Common Eider on the lake Jökulsárlón IcelandCommon Eider on the lake Jökulsárlón Iceland© Juan-Carlos Muñoz / Biosphoto - RMNon exclusive sale, exclusive sale possible in France 1198870 |
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Portrait of a male Australian wood duckPortrait of a male Australian wood duck ; Native to Australia© Mike Lane / Biosphoto - RMSale prohibited by some Agents 1295480 |
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