Image number: 2559404
© Mathieu Foulquié / Biosphoto
Rights Managed
Restrictions :
Sale prohibited by some Agents
Use for the promotion of hunting prohibited permanent
JPEG bitmap image
Image size: 4000x2667 pixels (13.3"x8.9" @300dpi)
Shooting date : 2022-11-29
Species / Species particularity / Fishes particularity / Saltwater fish
Area / Marine area / Sea / Temperate sea
World sea and ocean / Mediterranean Sea / Lion (Gulf of)
Species / Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) / CITES Appendix 2
Animal / Wild animal / Chordate / Vertebrate / Fish (animal) / Bony fish / Actinopterygian / Anguilliformes / Eel / European eel (Anguilla anguilla)
Species / IUCN Red List of Threatened Species / Threatened endangered species / Critically Endangered (IUCN) CR
Species / Species particularity / Fishes particularity / Euryhaline fish
Europe / European Union / France / Occitanie / Languedoc-Roussillon / Hérault 34
Motion / Locomotion / Swim
Enumeration / Group / Numerous
Individual / Stage of development / Adult
Transport / Infrastructure / Port
Area / Marine area / Sea bottom
Latin keywords
Eukaryota / Opisthokonta / Metazoa / Bilateria / Coelomata / Deuterostomia / Chordata / Vertebrata / Gnathostomata / Euteleostomi / Actinopterygii / Teleostei / Anguilliformes / Anguillidae / Anguilla