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Image number: 2555541

Black-winged Stilt (Himantopus himantopus) mating, Vendée, France

© Fabrice Cahez / Biosphoto

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Rights Managed

Restrictions :
Use for the promotion of hunting prohibited permanent

JPEG bitmap image

Image size: 6152x4101 pixels (20.5"x13.7" @300dpi)

Shooting date : 2021-04-29

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Ambiance / Seasons / Temperate season / Spring

Animal / Wild animal / Chordate / Vertebrate / Sauropsid / Bird / Small wading shore bird / Stilt / Black-winged Stilt (Himantopus himantopus)

Matter (substance) / Water (matter) / Water surface


Species / IUCN Red List of Threatened Species / Low Risk (IUCN) LR / Least Concern (IUCN) LC

Europe / European Union / France / Pays de la Loire / Vendée 85

Species / Reproduction / Sexual reproduction / Mating

Individual / Stage of development / Adult

Shot / Overview

Shot / Profile shot


Enumeration / Pair / Couple

Individual / Male

Individual / Female

Enumeration / Nobody

Latin keywords

Eukaryota / Opisthokonta / Metazoa / Bilateria / Coelomata / Deuterostomia / Chordata / Vertebrata / Gnathostomata / Euteleostomi / Sarcopterygii / Rhipidistia / Tetrapodomorpha / Tetrapoda / Sauropsida / Aves / Charadriiformes / Recurvirostridae / Himantopus

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