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Image number: 2489748

Mont Saint Michel Bay at low tide at dusk, Normandy, France

© Jean-Philippe Delobelle / Biosphoto

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Image size: 8267x5509 pixels (27.6"x18.4" @300dpi)

Shooting date : 2021-06-10

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The Bay of Mont-Saint-Michel is located between Brittany and the Norman peninsula of Cotentin. It was listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1979. The very high tidal range in the area (up to 15 metres) allows a large part of the bay to be discovered at low tide. The area is home to a wide variety of birds and sea seals.



Europe / European Union / France / Normandie / Basse-Normandie / Manche 50 / Mont Saint-Michel


Religious faith / Religion / Worship place / Abbey

Environment / Biodiversity management / Environment management / Environment protection / UNESCO's World Heritage

Best of

Ambiance / Twilight / Evening

Science / Meteorology / Meteorological phenomenon / Tide / Low tide

Human Settlement / Historic monument

Symbolic image

World sea and ocean / Atlantic Ocean / North Atlantic Ocean / English Channel

Area / Marine area / Sea / Temperate sea

Area / Strand / Seaside / Coastal mud-flat / Salt marsh

Science / Meteorology / Meteorological phenomenon / Drought (Meteorology) / Cracked earth

Earth's crust / Landform / Bay

Light effect / Backlighting

Shot / Overview

Space / Sun / Sunbeam

Space / Sun / Sunset

Science / Meteorology / Meteorological phenomenon / Sky / Cloud

Earth's crust / Landform / Mount

Earth's crust / Landform / Island

Area / Strand / Seaside / Coastal mud-flat / Tidal flat

Enumeration / Nobody

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