Image number: 2489650
© Jean-Philippe Delobelle / Biosphoto
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JPEG bitmap image
Image size: 8256x5504 pixels (27.5"x18.3" @300dpi)
Shooting date : 2021-05-25
Tube-building worm (Sabellaria alveolata) is a polychaete marine worm (annelid), four centimetres long, capable of producing biogenic structures (pseudo-reefs) formed by galleries of sand glued together by secretions, and which can reach volumes of several cubic metres, with colonies numbering from 15,000 to 60,000 individuals per square metre - It is an "engineering" species which elaborates and modifies its ecosystem and favours biodiversity
Ambiance / Seasons / Temperate season / Spring
Area / Marine area / Sea / Temperate sea
Flora / Alga / Green alga / Chlorophyta
Science / Meteorology / Meteorological phenomenon / Tide / Low tide
World sea and ocean / Atlantic Ocean / North Atlantic Ocean / Iroise Sea
Behavior / Animal construction / Gallery
Animal / Wild animal / Invertebrate / Worm / Segmented worm / annelide / Polychete worm / Feather-duster worm / Tube-building worm (Sabellaria alveolata)
Europe / European Union / France / Brittany / Finistère 29 / Armorique (Regional Natural Park) / Iroise See (Marine Natural Park)
Environment / Biodiversity management / Environment management / Environment protection / Natural park / Marine Natural Park
Latin keywords
Eukaryota / Opisthokonta / Metazoa / Bilateria / Coelomata / Protostomia / Articulata / Annelida / Polychaeta / Sabellariidae / Sabellaria