Image number: 2488327
© Frédéric Desmette / Biosphoto
Rights Managed
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Non exclusive sale
Sale prohibited by some Agents
JPEG bitmap image
Image size: 6000x4000 pixels (20"x13.3" @300dpi)
Shooting date : 2020-08-29
Natural resources use / Agricultural product / Oleaginous plants
Organism / Morphology / Morphology (botany) / Inflorescence / Flower (Plant Anatomy)
Species / IUCN Red List of Threatened Species / Low Risk (IUCN) LR / Least Concern (IUCN) LC
Species / Species particularity / Growing cycle / Annual plant
Species / Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) / CITES Appendix 2
Animal / Wild animal / Chordate / Vertebrate / Sauropsid / Bird / Nocturnal bird / Nocturnal bird of prey / Owl / Little Owl (Athene noctua)
Transport / Road marking / Picket
Flora / Geraniales order / Linaceae family / Linen (Linum sp) / Cultivated flax (Linum usitatissimum)
Natural resources use / Agronomy / Plant use / Textile plant
Organism / Morphology / Morphology (botany) / Herbaceous plant
Area / Agricultural area / Field
Europe / European Union / United kingdom / Great Britain / England
Organism / Morphology / Morphology (zoology) / Glance
Individual / Stage of development / Adult
Ambiance / Seasons / Temperate season / Summer
Latin keywords
Eukaryota / Opisthokonta / Metazoa / Bilateria / Coelomata / Deuterostomia / Chordata / Vertebrata / Gnathostomata / Euteleostomi / Sarcopterygii / Rhipidistia / Tetrapodomorpha / Tetrapoda / Sauropsida / Aves / Strigiformes / Strigidae / Athene
Eukaryota / Archaeplastida / Chlorobionta / Embryophyta / Tracheophyta / Spermatophyta / Phanerogamae / Angiospermae / Dicotyledoneae / Geraniales / Linaceae / Linum