Image number: 2135390
© Gérard Soury / Biosphoto
Rights Managed
Restrictions :
Non exclusive sale, exclusive sale possible in France
Sale prohibited by some Agents
Use prohibited for delphinariums or any institution in which cetaceans are kept for public entertainment permanent
JPEG bitmap image
Image size: 6388x4241 pixels (21.3"x14.1" @300dpi)
Shooting date : 2017-07-04
Individual / Stage of development / Adult
Species / IUCN Red List of Threatened Species / Threatened endangered species / Vulnerable (IUCN) VU
Eukaryota / Opisthokonta / Metazoa / Bilateria / Coelomata / Protostomia / Inarticulata / Mollusca / Conchifera / Cephalopoda / Coleoidea / Neocoleoidea / Octopodiformes / Octopoda / Alloposidae / Haliphron
Matter (substance) / Water (matter) / Water surface
World sea and ocean / Atlantic Ocean / North Atlantic Ocean / Macaronesia
Species / Species particularity / Aquatic species / Saltwater species
Species / Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) / CITES Appendix 1
Species / Relation between species / Predation / Prey
Europe / European Union / Portugal / Azores archipelago
Animal / Wild animal / Chordate / Vertebrate / Sauropsid / Reptile / Tortoise / Turtle / Sea turtle / Loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta)
Area / Marine area / Sea / Temperate sea
Animal / Wild animal / Invertebrate / Mollusk / Cephalopod / Coleoid (Coleoidea sp) / Octopus / Seven-arm octopus (Haliphron atlanticus)
Latin keywords
Eukaryota / Opisthokonta / Metazoa / Bilateria / Coelomata / Deuterostomia / Chordata / Vertebrata / Gnathostomata / Euteleostomi / Sarcopterygii / Rhipidistia / Tetrapodomorpha / Tetrapoda / Sauropsida / Reptilia / Anapsida / Testudines / Cheloniidae / Caretta