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Image number: 1934268

Visualization flow of water in a sponge - Aquarius Reef Base ; Fluorescein dye is used to visualize how water is absorbed at the outside and then exhausted by a sponge.The Caribbean barrel sponge, Xestospongia muta, is a large and common member of the coral reef communities at depths greater than 10 m, and has been called the “redwood of the deep”, due to its up to 2000 year lifespan as well as its size and color. Despite its prominence, high biomass and importance to habitat complexity and reef health, very little is know about the basic biology of this massive sponge, including rates of mortality and recruitment, reproduction, growth and age. Like reef corals, this sponge is subject to bleaching and subsequent mortality.
With support from NOAA's Aquarius Reef Base at UNCW, NOAA's Coral Reef Conservation Program, and the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary, a research group has been monitoring populations of X. muta in the Florida Keys since 1997.

© Christoph Gerigk / Biosphoto

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Image size: 6048x4032 pixels (20.2"x13.4" @300dpi)

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Environment / Hazard / Climate change / Global warming

Best of

Species / Species particularity / Aquatic species / Saltwater species



Environment / Biodiversity management / Environment management / Environment protection / Fauna and flora sanctuary

America / North America / United States of America / North American protected areas (United States)

Animal / Wild animal / Invertebrate / Sponge / Siliceous sponge / Barrel Sponge (Xestospongia sp) / Giant Barrel Sponge (Xestospongia muta)

World sea and ocean / Atlantic Ocean

Area / Marine area / Sea bottom

Area / Marine area / Sea / Tropical sea

America / North America / United States of America / Southern United States / Florida

Material / Measuring instrument

Colour / Green (colour)

Shot / Underwater shot

Measure (to)

Science / Scientific research / Scientific instrument

Area / Marine area / Reef / Coral reef

Enumeration / Nobody

Latin keywords

Eukaryota / Opisthokonta / Metazoa / Parazoa / Gelatinosa / Porifera / Demospongiae / Haplosclerida / Haliclonidae / Xestospongia

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